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27 March, 2011

I LIKE THIS, MUAHH3 !!!! ^_^

KOWANG PERNAH TENGOK X CERITA NIE ? "Hanazakari no Kimi Tachi e" . siyess law kowg tgokk mmg bestt, aq gerenti dan dijamin oleh JAKIM, hahaha xde kena mgena pon . Nie picca of de storie . DIPERSEMBAHKAN, jengjengjeng . hahaha .....

Aq dpt cerita nie dri technician tmpat aq LI, ABG DIN . thnx yeww abg din, betul ckp abg din xkan dpt tgl nye cter nie walau pon jap, hahaha ! :) sinopsis cter cmni . kowg mesti kn taw skit kann? aq terang kan ... "The drama is based on the popular comic of the same name by Nakajo Hisaya. Horikita plays the protagonist Ashiya Mizuki, a Japanese girl in the United States who one day sees the young athlete Sano Izumi compete in high jumping on television. She begins to idolize him. Sano gets injured one day in America while trying to help Mizuki escape from some gangsters. He stops high jumping ever since. Mizuki blames herself for the incident and decides to go to Japan and help Sano find his love for high jumping. However, Izumi goes to an all-boys school, so Mizuki disguises herself as a boy in order to meet with him again " (aq copy dri tenet, mlas nk translate, hahaha !)

Pas aq tgokk cter nie, byk moral value aq dpt . antrenye :-
1) erti persahabatan sebenar
2) sape kawan dan sape lawan dlm ssuatu situasi
3) xsemua ape yg kite impikan akan peroleh tnpe usaha atau sekadar berharap :)
4) erti kerjasama antara 1 same len
5) yg pling aq suke ! --> ERTI PERCINTAAN, haha (jiwang lakk)

Dlm cter nie . plus plus pelakon nie mmg aq minat, cool beb ! name dye "OGURI SHUN" sebagai "Sano Izumi" . semua watak yg dye bwa smue sense2 cool, cair waa ckp tgok dye ! hahaha, gataii mu noe iekaaaa !!! sskli xpe kan, hehe :). . .

OGURI SHUN, comel kan pujaan atie saye ^_^

Wahh, sronok sgt2 tgok cter nie, siyes xkan rugi . klakar beb ! asyik nk tergelak jew, hahahaha, romantik pon de aw ! ^_^ suke3 ! ase yew smpai snie je kot aq storie morie sal nie, hope kowg try lahh jinak2 ngan cter JAPAN, xkan rugi nye, hehe . so akhirnye aq selitkan beberape picca from de storie tok kowg lihat . hope enjoy it k ^_^ salam ...


  1. eh!!! movie2 jepun yg sexy2 sikit tade awk :D ..
    hahaha movie cmni takut op tgok tertido je..
    btw nice story u got here lady!!

  2. nk sexy2 ? xde lahh ieka xminat pon, maaf..hehe
    ermm...gerenti x tdoe ye cter nie, percaya lahh !!!
    btw thnx ye op .. ^_^

  3. siyes op, try lahh . t jmpe ieka bg ea cter nie . siyes klakar !! :)

  4. alamak.. lupe nk bagi special episode! nnt igtkn. huhu. tp en. lutfi dlm cite ni ade gk la yg seksi, tp sket je sbb mostly guys je yg bnyk dlm ni.. kalau laki nk tgk, jgn jd cm Nakatsu dlm cite ni lak kan ika?? hahah. kesian die asek terpikir diri die jd gay je.. huhu
